Portrait Finca (english)

Sorry for our english ;)

We have started our business with someone who had the means to produce our first honey coffee: Don Jaime. Being half American, half Colombian, he retired from his entrepreneurial job in USA and decided to move to Colombia to find a new purpose in life. Having vast experience in the wine industry and gastronomy, he decided to enhance his knowledge with the most known Colombian products: Coffee.

After founding his farm in the Caldas region, he met Juan Carlos (our coffee expert) who worked tirelessly with Jaime until they achieved to create amazing coffees. It took then years and tears but they can be proud of their results.

Santa Cruz de la Palma is the name of the finca. Marked by a main house of traditional humble architecture with lively colors, it is a little world by itself. It spans altitudes from 1000 to 1900 meters. There are four other plain small houses, each with a house/team leader strategically located around the area, providing housing to up to 150 cherry pickers during harvest.

Apart from Jaime who takes care of the management, there is a main housekeeper and a driver who picks and delivers supplies/people around the finca every day. All of these positions are on a full-time basis. Only cherry pickers are hired on yield basis during harvesting because this happens only twice a year.

Jaime's vision is to make the perfect coffee and help those who can make it happen, including all small fincas in the area. Money is not the driving force for him. Today, only time, passion and a warm heart is what makes the difference.